Workshop on Uncertainty and Complexity of Migration held in London

The workshop on Uncertainty and Complexity of Migration, organised as part of the project dissemination and outreach activities, took place in London, at the British Academy, on 20–21 November 2018.
The workshop was organised as a part of the ERC project on Bayesian Agent-based Population Studies, under the auspices and with support of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Populations (IUSSP). Organisational support has been kindly provided by the ESRC Centre for Population Change. The evening public lecture on 20 November was organised and sponsored by the University of Southampton.
The workshop aimed to summarise the state of the art in addressing the complexity and uncertainty of migration through formal modelling, and to discuss the best ways for modelling migration, directions for data collection, and conditions for making the modelling useful for policy support. In total, 36 participants representing both academic and policy spheres took part in the discussions.
The discussions carried out throughout the workshop concluded with a set of key recommendations for the future migration data collection and modelling endeavours.
More details about the meeting, including background information and a full report are available on the workshop website.